Misyon ve Vizyon


Our mission is to train personnel who can see the existing problems in agricultural machinery and irrigation and bring contemporary solutions to them, who can use the knowledge they have acquired in other areas where solutions are sought when necessary, who can question, think analytically, who can follow international studies, who are respected and have a say in society, who are self-confident, who love their profession and who are sought after in their field, to conduct research on issues that bring advanced technical and contemporary technologies to irrigation and agricultural machinery industry and to produce quality service, and to take the leading role by being among the top organizations in the field.


Our mission is to be a department that contributes to the development of agricultural mechanization and irrigation applications in our country, region and province with contemporary solutions, that is at the forefront among institutions providing similar education at national and international levels by using the most modern education and training techniques, that provides solutions to the issues related to mechanization and irrigation in our country's agriculture and the problems in this field, that can use their knowledge anywhere in the world; that trains innovative, enterprising, investigative and analytical personnel, and that guides producers and industrial establishments with the research and services it provides.